Welcome to Samurai Ju-jitsu Academy
Street Defence System
With Robert Bevilagua, Kyoshi 7th Dan, Brown Belt BJJ
About Samurai JuJitsu
My name is Robert and I am the Chief Instructor of the Samurai Ju-Jitsu Academy.
I have trained in martial arts for over 36 years and teach 3 days a week in North London and I am looking forward to training you too!
And that's exactly what it is!
What is Ju-Jitsu?
Ju-jitsu is a practical, streetwise Martial Art which deals with every aspect of self defence, using a logical system involving: striking, kicking, throwing, locking, choking and pinning techniques.
The principles of ju-jitsu date back to Japans earliest recorded history and over the years has been refined to produce a truly effective and realistic form of self defence.
Through ju-jitsu you will gain confidence and a sense of awareness, at the same time you will learn effective techniques to defend yourself.
Safety First
In these troubled times with the many unfortunate incidence on our streets, wouldn’t you like to know that you or your teenage son or daughter could go about their daily life, with confidence in a safe manner?
Self Defence
When confronted by an attacker a person using ju-jitsu never defends themselves with brute strength by meeting the attack head on, they would DEFLECT the attack and use the strength and movement of the assailant to neutralize him. This means that you dont have to be strong to learn this art, Ju-jitsu has been taught to all ages and sizes.
There are no shortcuts to learning self defence, so don't be fooled by advertising that promises to turn you into Martial Arts expert in just 6 weeks, or adverts that promise to teach you the "Ultimate in Self defence“. The best way of winning a fight, is to avoid it. However, if an attack happens, it should be stopped as quickly as possible with minimum effort.